How to Win your Ex Back Fast - Get Back with Ex Soon

'How do I get my ex back?' A question being asked thousand times, and many a times you happen to be one of the advisor to a friend in this situation, but when it happens to you, you could feel the pain and trauma behind a break-up. Breakups can happen to anyone, anytime. It can happen slowly over time or in some cases they can occur in a blink of an eye or a snap of a finger.

The first question you have to ask yourself is "Why did my he/she leave me?". Be honest with yourself, Did you do something wrong? Did you take them for granted? Did you ignore their opinions regarding your relationship? The bottom line is that with every relationship, everyone wants to feel loved, wanted and cared for. Therefore, you have to know what happened, why your ex lost their connection and commitment to you. And only a few people who are willing to take responsibilities for their mistakes and take action, can truly win their ex back.

So, "How do I get my ex back?". Every relationship can be saved with the right combination of persistence, creativity, and knowing what to do. Here are the 7 steps to pull your ex back.

1. Let it cool.

Spending time away from each other can actually help mend the broken connection. To assess your relationship, agree to have some time for reflection and thought. This also gives your ex some time to absolve their mind. It could be that some time away will remind them of how important your bond was. Give them time to think and space to breathe, because they might need that in order to reflect and realize what they're missing after breaking up with you.

2. Augment yourself.

The truth is nobody wants a loser who looks like a drunk, sulking, self-pitying homeless beggar. Nothing increases the odds against getting your ex back like adding 40 pounds, dying your hair green, or otherwise giving up on your appearance. Remember physical attraction is one of the first things that happen in the start of a relationship. You want to make sure that when you see your ex, they say something like, "Hey, you look good," and not see you as a complete wreck. Pamper yourself, boost your inner confidence by looking good, eating healthy and keeping your body fit. So, when you bump into your ex someday, they would see how good you look and how great you feel about yourself. That's the time they would realize the mistake of breaking up with you. They might even fall in-love with you all over again.

3. Be an extrovert.

Though breaking up with your ex is a really hard thing to go through, the better way to forget the pain is to go out and have some fun. This is no time to be alone. Call your friends and get out of the house. This would divert your attention, and learn to develop a self-realization of who you are. Getting out will also be helpful for when you get back with your ex, your conversations will be full of new stories and about all the experiences you had while you were apart.

4. Just be yourself.

For guys, remember the start of your relationship, the time that you used to go to her house and give her flowers, chocolates and/or gifts? And now that you are living together, you seldom give her anything anymore except for those rare occasions like it was her birthday or an anniversary, which even you have a tendency to forget sometimes. And for girls, remember those times when you used to cook for him? And now you just order food on the phone or take out some stuff from a nearby fast food. That before, you always used to cuddle with him every chance you got to, and now that you have so gotten used to him that you hardly ever do it anymore. Now you constantly get irritated at him and nag for even the simplest reasons. Try to remember what it was that you guys were passionate about at the start of your relationship. It could also be that you have changed during the course of the relationship, you might have gotten so used to your partner that you tend to forget some of the things that you used to do to make them feel special, especially at the time of courtship.

5. Leave an impression

that you are the best person they've ever met in their life time. When you get a chance to meet, make an impression by looking good, dress your best, make them feel special by doing something extraordinary like hiring a plane to do some skywriting in the sky; you can give them cake of their favorite flavor, saying "I'm sorry"; you can even plan something like having them go in your favorite restaurant then have a band play your desired theme song as soon as they show up (of course you
have to have one of your ex's friends as your accomplice for this.) But the important and the foremost thing is, you have to convey "I'm sorry, will you take me back?"

6. Talk Talk and Talk.

Analyze the source of disagreement, Negotiate a compromise. Each side should offer suggestions and come up with a resolution. The focus should be on finding the middle ground that both parties can acknowledge instead of winning or who's right.

7. Sometimes jealous feeling

could bring some results. Going out with other people to make your ex jealous is a risky situation. You need to plan your strategy and think about the downsides before you initiate.

There is nothing more awful that being dumped by the one you love. But at some point in life, we all lose something that we really wish we had held onto - in this case, you lost your love and you need to get your ex back. Getting back together with your lost love is not about "getting" them back or even relationship repair. It's about winning them back. Trying to get them back in to your life is not an easy thing to achieve. It requires a lot of effort from your part but with these strategies, determination and a little luck, you can get your ex back faster.

Win your ex back and get them back in your life with this guide. The strategies would definitely get your ex back soon. Click here to know the secrets of winning your ex back.